Rob Morgan

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Incidentals & Interruptions

“I had a boat to catch in Cape Town. What happened on the way, who I met and all of that, was incidental. I had not quite realized, the interruptions WERE the journey.” - Excerpt from “Jupiter’s Travel’s” by Ted Simon

I can’t think of a better way to celebrate my 38th birthday than playing a show with Caitlyn Smith and the band, in the Ozarks, opening for Dirks Bentley. The show was sublime, the sound-check a shit show.

I’m reminded of how I used to view the set as what it meant to be a musician. I now know… all of it is all of it.

We’re playing just a few miles from my grandparents’ home where I spent my summers growing up and (since all birthdays turn me into a wandering existentialist) I can’t help thinking life might be the same way.

Now that I think of it… sure, I had a blast playing, but it was the conversations in the green-room and in the van that I won’t quickly forget.