To place myself in Spain is to place myself in an understanding of my place in history.
To stand where Renaissance transitioned to Baroque, a mosque into a synagogue into a church, coexistence into conquering…
Just as I begin to become insecure about my inability to wrap my mind around it all, I suddenly realize that travel is like a roll of film.
It’s not meant to be fully processed in real-time.
🎞️ All four rolls were captured on my Rollei 35. (the ULTIMATE “Stay Present” travel film camera) The two rolls of color negatives were shot on Kodak Ultramax 400 (a film that makes me forget what decade they were taken in.) processed by my friends at @fast.foto in Bloomington, MN, and self-scanned in my studio. The two B&W frames were shot on Ilford HP5 rated at 400iso and self-developed in Kodak HC-100 (Dil. b for 8min).